“We launched our first Manufacturing Engineer Apprenticeship in September 2018”

This is an exciting opportunity for participants to receive training in the application of the latest industry technical knowledge and engineering skill-sets within manufacturing.
Am I suitable to apply?
This apprenticeship initiative is suitable for school leavers who have completed their Leaving Certificate (or equivalent) or existing Production Operators and Technicians. The programme gives such applicants an opportunity to train or upskill, in the most up to date requirements for the engineering and manufacturing sectors.
How long does the Apprenticeship last?
The Manufacturing Technician Apprenticeship (National Framework Qualification Level 6) is a two-year programme resulting in a Higher Certificate in Engineering with the follow on third year enabling the succesful participants to receive a Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing (Level 7). Additionally, Tricel provides the apprentices with specialised industry-specific training and mentoring.
What do I need to apply?
In order to apply, you will need a Leaving Certificate qualification (or equivalent), Grade 6 at ordinary level in five subjects, two of which must be Maths and a language (English or Irish). Each participant must complete the required learning modules which alternate between on-site practical training under the guidance of seasoned professionals at our facilities and learning theory-based elements through block release to Cork Institute of Technology.